Income Levels in Orlovista, Florida
What is the median household income in Orlovista, Florida?
The median household income in Orlovista Florida is $40325.
What percentage of families living in Orlovista, Florida have a household income above $100,000?
Orlovista Property Information
Homeownership: 59.4%
Home Value: $157358
Median Monthly Rental Payment: $977
Orlovista Demographic Data
Median Age: 36.5
Male Population Percentage: 49.7%
Female Population Percentage: 50.3%
Married Population Percentage: 34.9
Family Size: 4.04
College Educated: 12.6%
Labor Force Participation: 61.6%
Unemployment Rate: 6.6%
Orlovista Ethnicity
White: 24.9%
Black: 44.7%
Asian: 7.8%
Native American: 0.1
Pacific Islander: 0
Multiple Race: 8.8
Other Race: 13.7
Other Orlovista, FL Data
- Orlovista is in Orange County.
- The population of Orlovista is 7468 and Orlovista municipal population (or population proper) is 7468.
- Zip Codes: 32808 32835 32811
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Latitude: 28.5441
- Longitude: -81.4629
- Incorporated City:
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Data provided by Scott Cooper Florida Data