Income Levels in Saint Johns River Estates, Florida
What is the median household income in Saint Johns River Estates, Florida?
The median household income in Saint Johns River Estates Florida is $.
What percentage of families living in Saint Johns River Estates, Florida have a household income above $100,000?
Saint Johns River Estates Property Information
Homeownership: %
Home Value: $
Median Monthly Rental Payment: $
Saint Johns River Estates Demographic Data
Median Age:
Male Population Percentage: %
Female Population Percentage: %
Married Population Percentage:
Family Size:
College Educated: %
Labor Force Participation: %
Unemployment Rate: %
Saint Johns River Estates Ethnicity
White: %
Black: %
Asian: %
Native American:
Pacific Islander:
Multiple Race:
Other Race:
Other Saint Johns River Estates, FL Data
- Saint Johns River Estates is in Seminole County.
- The population of Saint Johns River Estates is and Saint Johns River Estates municipal population (or population proper) is .
- Zip Codes: 32771
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Latitude: 28.8394
- Longitude: -81.3356
- Incorporated City: FALSE
Data provided by Scott Cooper Data